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Mean chicken

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I’m really upset by my chicken Mabel. Last summer she “attacked” Luci, pecking her right down to the bone with feathers and blood everywhere. After that we fitter her with a bumper bit and they have been getting along fine since. The bumper bit broke off on Friday and she was really pleased to have it off. We couldn’t get another one on her and had to leave her for the day as we were both off to work. When we got back for the day they were getting along really well, no feather pulling so we decided to leave her without the bit. She seemed so much happier and had a good preen on Saturday morning. However, yesterday, when I was watching them through the kitchen window I saw Mabel pecking at Luci. I rushed out to stop her and promptly fitted a bumper bit. Luckily she had only pulled a few (beautiful newly grown I might add) feathers, but I was more upset that she had done it again. She got very cross with me putting it on her and pooed on my foot. I feel awful for Luci, although she did just stand there and take it, and cross with Mabel! I don’t feel so bad about putting the bumper bit back on…

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i wonder if she's bored? do they have things in their run to keep them occupied? maybe you could hang up some corn on the cob or some greens? do they get to free range ever?


do they eat mash or pellets? mash keeps them more occupied as it takes longer to eat so if they eat pellets, maybe you could wean them onto mash?


does lucy have anywhere to hide when under attack? maybe pop something in the run that she can duck behind, a small bale of straw or something?

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last year i brought my quail from someone who i thought i was in the know, when we got them home we put them in their run and all was fine.....until 2 days later when i saw 4 quail crowded around something on the floor..... yep it was the smallest and they were killing it so i took it out and put in the spare run we had. i went onto the net only to discover after trawling for a day that we had been sold all males and they were fighting and the weakest got it first. I rang the breeder told him he could have the 4 back but i was going to keep the one that was injured and get it well. I went and this time through what i had learnt on the net i managed to sex 4 females we brought them home and they all lived happily until jack died he had a great time :D

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last year i broought my quail from someone who i thought i was in the know, when we got them home we put them in their run and all was fine.....until 2 days later when i saw 4 quail crowded around something on the floor..... yep it was the smallest and they were killing it so i took it out and put in the spare run we had. i went onto the net only to discover after trawling for a day that we had been sold all males and they were fighting and the weakest got it first. I rang the breeder told him he could have the 4 back but i was going to keep the one that was injured and get it well. I went and this time through what i had learnt on the net i managed to sex 4 females we brought them home and they all lived happily until jack died he had a great time :D


Bless his cottons! :D

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Thank you for the suggestions Poet.


I have a pecker block, but I know they enjoyed it when I hung things up. I will have to get a bit creative about that.


They do get to free range, but only when I am at home. I also remember seeing some people had added logs and sticks into their runs for the girls to perch on, might try that too. We are going to re-do their run in the spring, so will try to include a bit more interest to it


I think though the bumper bit will have to stay for the time being. Does anyone have any experience of using them long term? (overgrown beak or sore nostrils?)

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I think though the bumper bit will have to stay for the time being. Does anyone have any experience of using them long term? (overgrown beak or sore nostrils?)


Prada gets alternate bumper bits and then peck rings every few weeks - the BB does let her beak grow long but then the peck ring gives it time to wear down again (until she manages to bite through the ring :roll: ).


No problems with nostrils though.

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I don't have a picture but I got mine from The Wernlas Collection. I think we exchange stamps for bumper bits as they are only a few pence each. It is a small plastic device that sits in the chickens mouth and is held in place by their nostrils. It sounds awful but it stops the pecking, or at least stops the damage that can be done.

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