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Funny Acting Guinea Pig.

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We Bought our first Guinea Pig (Guiness) Then Two Days Later We Bought Shandy... But whenever we fill up the food Dish, Guiness Will go Around the Cage With his back legs spread out and a kinda low growling Noise And Doesn't let Shandy Eat Much... We've moved Shandy Out now so He can get a decent meal. But Was Guiness Just Showing Dominence Or Is He...

Goin Loopy? :?

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It's probably a dominance thing - male guinea pigs tend to fight a lot, unless you can get brothers from the same litter. It may help to get them neutered.


Even so, my two boys are from the same litter and I had to get their 'bits' done at the vets as they started fighting when they were 3 months old. They've calmed down a bit but still they have the odd squabble. It's not nice to see as they can be quite fierce and click their teeth together really loudly for ages. :cry: But when you separate them they just miss each other! Can't win :roll:

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If you have multiple guinea pigs, you may hear the “rumble strut.” It is usually associated with males strutting for females, but it can also be used between two guinea pigs of any combination as a dominance dance. The pig performing the rumble strut will usually get so they are standing across the path of the one they are displaying for, start a deep machine-gun churring noise as they shift their back feet, rolling their back end from side to side. The other pig may respond in kind, may ignore it, may run, or may start to squeak with worry as an “I give up” gesture.


They can make an associated rumble noise when they hear something that they do not like, like a hand clap, a loud click, something falling, or any of a number of odd noises. When they make this rumble, their head is usually up looking around for the noise source, and their whole front end will shake with the shaking of the chirr. It is an “alert” noise and it means that they are ready to bolt should the need arise.

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We Bought our first Guinea Pig (Guiness) Then Two Days Later We Bought Shandy... But whenever we fill up the food Dish, Guiness Will go Around the Cage With his back legs spread out and a kinda low growling Noise And Doesn't let Shandy Eat Much... We've moved Shandy Out now so He can get a decent meal. But Was Guiness Just Showing Dominence Or Is He...

Goin Loopy? :?


Sounds like he is showing dominance my piggies still do this from time to time if it gets into viscious fighting I use a spray bottle to split them up, a little water won't harm them and it sure stops the fighting

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