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I lost my psp

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I couldn't find my Sony psp anywhere and I really hate losing things..to the point where I can't concentrate until what I've lost has been found.

I had set myself this weekend to find it.


Then tonight I started getting my clothes out ready to get changed after a bath...I've got tickets to see Bjorn Again at the theatre....and there in my undies drawer was my psp.


Where else would it be? Obvious really!

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I have an almost foolproof method of finding things. I look absolutely everywhere I can think of, at least twice, then give up and start to do something else. The number of times I have then spotted the very thing, usually in the one place I hadn't thought of looking and only seconds or minutes after "giving up"... :roll:


Sounds like it worked for you too, Janty!

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When I lose something I always pray to St. Anthony (the patron saint of

lost things) :oops:, which is a pretty weird thing for a 100% heathen, atheist

to do :shock: it's a throw back from my Catholic upbringing and I just can't stop myself :roll: My 2yr old grandson is always hiding things, I once found my housekeys buried in a box of washing powder, little devil :wink::wink:



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:wink: my mum always used to say 'pray to St Anthony', and she wasn't a Catholic either but she had great faith that Things Always Turn Up!


I usually try and think of the missing item just before going to sleep, then in the morning I often know where to look for it. Strange but true, it has worked more than once for me.

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I think that our subconscious often knows where "lost" things are, but it's not very good at passing that info on to our conscious mind, especially when we're constantly thinking "where the heck did I put ----?". Anything that shuts up the internal voice - praying, sleeping on it, giving up the search - can help in letting the memory surface...

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