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Garlic Powder and Bokashi Bran

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Girls all doing well. Although, they seem to have started to eat a LOT more now.


My girlfriend is feeling really guilty at the moment as she had to leave them overnight. She'd checked the Grub and it was about one third full which should have lasted them for a couple of days based on their eating habits.


She left them on Thursday morning and when she came back yeaterday there was nothing left in the Grub. She filled it up and they went bananas for the food. She's feeling really bad at the moment and that she doesn't deserve the Mother's Day card I sent her from the girls. :(


But anyway, back to the questions. Is the horse Garlic Powder ok for the Chooks? I can buy it at a local pet store but didn't know if it was different.


Second one, I've got some Bokashi Bran. How much do I mix with their feed? Say when filling up a Grub?


Help appreciated!!! :D

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Yep, the horse garlic powder is the one....not the little pots from the supermarket. :lol:


Bokashi Bran.....I put a good tablespoonful into the grubs. The absolutely love it. I spilled some once and they went absolutely mad for it.....hoovering it up in nanoseconds. :lol:


I also sprinkle a bit on the poo tray.......it helps subdue pongs that way too.

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Yes, horse type animal feed garlic powder is correct

I was tentative at first only putting in a bit of garlic with their pellets and built it up (it smells really strongly so I do it outside or hubbie complains the kitchen stinks). Now I chuck a good dolop in, so for half a grub maybe I'll use 4 or 5 teaspoons and give it a quick shake up. I've got 2 Grub's just in case I go away and if I put out pellets with and without garlic, they prefer the garlic ones....!!!!


This is the one I buy from the Horse Tack Shop near me.



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ordered some lime powder

Make sure it's garden lime NOT builders lime :) .


Think you've got it covered - you can build up supplies of other stuff over time. They really don't need much when you start out (says me, who ordered just about everything before the girls even arrived :roll: ).


:lol::lol: sounds like me they even have there own stroage cupboard now, i have ordered of ebay its


i hope its right

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Sorry Debbie, I misunderstood what you meant :oops: . It's limestone flour you're talking about, I thought you meant garden lime for the soil in your run :oops: . (Garden lime reduces the acidity caused by the chicken poo & is good to sprinkle about when you clean out your run.)


Yes, that limestone flour is the right stuff - I've ordered the very same thing off eBay :) .


Sorry if I've confused you further :wink: .

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Limestone flour is pure calcium carbonate.


Garden lime is calcium oxide with magnesium oxide.


Don't stir garden lime into the pellets. :lol:


Whilst it doesn't do the hens any harm to potter about on ground that has been limed, it probably would not be in their best interests to eat it in any quantity. :lol:

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