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where did my topic go?

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I got a notification that there had been a reply to my topic on Prince Harry not liking England much, and it has gone.


I'm not over-worried but wondered if this is censorship by the moderators or by MI5 or 6 or whoever would be responcible for that sort of thing.


am I going to get a visit in the middle of the night to be carried off to the dungeons?


anybody know where it has gone?


Perhaps its just my computer

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The mods and I feel that some aspects of the topic were becoming rather unpleasant and did not reflect the normally happy atmosphere found on this forum. I really don't think that this is the place to have a discussion based on hearsay on the parentage of Royals - I wouldn't like to have my parentage discussed in such a way on a public forum!


It is the responsibility of the administrators and moderators to keep the forum running smoothly and we are deciding what to do about the topic.


I'm sorry if this upsets anyone.

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