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leghorns advice please

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do they go broody i just been out to clean up for night give treats of meal worms, its raingin slightly my other 5 chucks are out in the rain, but my leghorn has taken herself again to the coop and sat in the nest box seh is doing this regular but usally comes out, but she aint shifting tonight for treats, bright eyes, looks healthy and feeding etc normal has been free range today, but does nip bk to coop then out,

hubby says she decided to grab the best seat in the house tonight, and aint giving it up, any ideas. weve had one egg from her since she came over week ago lovely big white one sat but no more

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I don't know about Leghorns in particular, but this is the time of year that hens start getting broody, so it could be. If she continues to stick like glue to the nestbox and gets grumpy when you try to lift her off, that's definitely broodiness!


Be careful, though - my Wyandotte bantam pecks quite hard when she's broody, hard enough to leave a small temporary bruise :shock:

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Leghorns are not known to be broody hence why they are often used to create hybrids. Of course their are always exceptions and you may have got one that has decided to be broody. You can try to snap her out of it by turfing her off the nest and poping her back in the run. But like someone else said Iwonder if she is perhaps tryong to lay an egg. She may well be still trying to get into the swing of things and perhaps trying to pass a softy.

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When one of mine first started to lay she spent a lot of time going in and out of the eglu and sitting on the nestbox, probably because she wasn't practiced at knowing when an egg was about to come. I'd be inclined to leave your girl be. If it makes you feel better, you could try putting an alternative temporary nestbox in the coop if there's space, e.g. an old washing-up bowl full of bedding material, just in case one of the other wants to lay and the Leghorn is reluctant to shift :)

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