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Shiney Chez

Going on holiday...

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..in April and am worried about leaving my girls. Ladies at work have said they will pop in at lunchtime every day to feed them & give them fresh water, but I'm concerned about not being able to close them up in the evening.


Will they cope ok with the EGlu door being open all night and only having little human contact?

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I was just the same as you last October :D . I'd had them about 4 or 5 weeks and went away for 8 days.


I had friends coming every 2 days (so less than you), they had no free-ranging at all and the door was open permanently. Hard to tell I know, but they seemed none the worse for wear when we returned. I insisted on regular texts to keep me from worrying :roll: .


(Any they weren't laying so my friends had no payment - apart from the goodies I brought back for them :wink: .)

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They will be fine. We've left ours 3 times no problem. We left the eglu door open all the time. My sister just popped in once a day to change water, add pellets, collect eggs and that was it. I got a spare set of grub/glug feeders so in the Summer I knew their water wouldn't run out if they had 2 but you won't need to do that as it's only April.

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Don't worry - they'll be fine!


I only close the eglu door when it's really cold (i.e. -5 or so) - the rest of the year I leave it open and they get themselves up. And they really don't need human contact in the short term - they're not like cats or dogs, who get attached to their surrogate parents/pack-members and pine when you're away. If you went away for months, they might become a bit less tame simply because they had forgotten you were the nice person who used to bring them treats, but for normal holiday lengths, you won't see a difference.


As long as someone has your phone number just in case of questions or an emergency, you can safely leave them and enjoy your hols!

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