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Wouldn't plastic roosting bars be better

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I've asked this question, and the answer that came back seemed to be along the lines of hens preferring wood because they could grip it. BUT someone recently found out that they do plastic ones in the US!


A lot of people Plastidip or Plastikote their bars, to make them easier to clean. It is a bit of an irony that the one thing in the Eglu which isn't easy-clean is also the thing that gets the dirtiest (apart from the poo tray, which of course is a doddle to clean).

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Sorry if this has been asked before but wouldn't plastic roosting bars be better than wood ones. No red mite and easier to clean. Please feel free to correct me, it was just a thought. :idea:


Because you ARE right, they would be sturdier AND easier to clean - everything the rest of the Eglu / cube already is! :D


Mrs Bertie

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I too had concerns about the roosting bars & have had to scrub them to try to get them clean - which they wont clean up perfectly. Have'nt got a powerhose - well i have but it isnt a power'one anymore :( seems to have lost its oooomph.

However after attempting to get in & out of run easily my oooomph was low too as was my usual never ending patience !!!!!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr those clips are neither use nor ornament!! as for roof . . discovering that really the end of run should have reinforcing pole to support it . ..well i cant believe a reinforcing pole isnt naturally sold with the extra run - CRAZY !!!!!!!

I've spent a good half hour - well oooops ...dearest hubby has - on sewing machine making up velcro straps to make using the cube doorway on the extended run actually useable!!!!! .. .hmmmmm grrrrrrrrr

anyway wont sabotage this post . . i ended up writing , posting gripes grips & roosting & reinforcing pole


But yes yes i agree . .. you have my vote . .( where do i vote ?) modifications & improvements please . . .and for all of us who have old version just purchased naturally should be freely ugraded :)


Ms Tilylovesherchooksandcubebutfinalintricateuserfriendlydetailswouldbenefitoverhaulofpracticalityandbitofcommonsense


Ms Tilygothercoatandhatonnandisheadingforthehills

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