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Did anyone see the programme about Fat Pets?


RANT RANT RANT How can so called animal lovers over feed their pets so much - One couple had a Rotweiler that weighed 14 1/2 stone. It could barely walk and they refused to say that they had overfed the dog or were killing it. If the dog were starving and totally underweight the RSPCA would have become involved. The owners were ignorant and cruel and the dog should have been taken away right away.

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Absolutely. It is our duty to ensure that our pets and children are properly fed - they have no choice (plus it means more chocolate for us :wink: )

Did you see the programme? It was a joy to see the cavalier kc spaniel actually run around - he was still a chubby boy but looked so much healtheier and happy - and his owner was happier too!

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I missed the programme, but I did see the article in the paper about rotweiler. the owners were interviewed saying that they did it becasue they loved their dog. they cannot possible understansd how the dog must be feeling then, otherwise they'd keep it to a good diet.


Hopefully they will have learnt something from all the publicity and do something about it. they obviosuly genuinely don't 'get it' :roll:

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Apparently the owners of the rottie said that they may be shortening his life by overfeeding him, but at least he wasn't starving to death!




Buffie, our dog is fed wafcol chicken free (she's allergic to them - they make her itch!) and absolutely LOVES curry sauce! She sits and dribbles after tea when the plates come into the kitchen! I used to have a cat that liked curry too, and the hotter the better. But the ones we have now won't entertain it, but one of them is partial to the dog's biscuits!


(She is 15 and a perfectly slim collie-x, btw).


A little bit of what you fancy does you good! Except chocolate, it's poisonous to dogs, contains theobromine which is a stimulant that can cause horses that have been fed it before a race to fail a random drug test!


And what about the surely URBAN MYTH that dogs can't eat grapes? I had a dog that was MAD for them!

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Of course its ok to give the dogs an occassional treat - especially if they get plenty of good food and exercise - but of course those people were just going mad - like the lady who fed her dog slices and slices of cake.

With the grapes, I am not sure but I think there is something that the dogs cant digest - ours certainly have the odd one or two but I think it would be a problem if they ate loads (a bit like "human" chocolate)

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Ref grapes - just passing on what seems to be common knowledge in dog agility circles - grapes, sultanans, raisins are all highly toxic to dogs. With some dogs just one could be enough, with others they might have to eat a bag. Obviously sultanas and raisins are even worse than grapes because they are more concentrated and liekly to be eaten in greater quantities.

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