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Treats that aren't treats

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It makes me laugh. Most days I give my chooks pellet porridge. Pellets, hot water, garlic powder, limestone powder and occasionally a topping of mixed corn. Even without the corn they go mad for it :lol:

Its great that they think they are getting treats when really its all good stuff that I want them to eat. Also I get to enjoy giving them "treats" without worrying about giving them too much and them not eating their pellets.I wonder why they're so much better when mushed up like this?

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I've been giving a jam jars worth of pellets, about a third of a teaspoon of garlic and a third of a teaspoon of limestone powder. Mix it all up with boiling water and let it soak in for a minute, then give it to them still warm. they love it! :D

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Thanks for that, I've got all the stuff! Do you give this as a late afternoon treat then and do they eat it all? If I put a bowl in the run they tend to poo in it :lol:


Also I only have 2 chooks, what amount do you reccommend for a quick scoff say a third of what yours have?

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I give that in a dog bowl late afternoon. That is for four, and it takes them all of about one minute to scoff....no time to poo in it :lol:

They would happily eat more, but I think this is enough to make them feel they've had a little bit of something special.I'm sure if I gave too much it wouldn't be so special any more.

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I'm sure I must have the fussiest hens because I made the porridge as per your recipe, and all they did was scoff the small scattering of mixed corn on the top - tried a bit of porridge - both looked at each other as if to say I'm not eating that - and left it!!! :(


They have had no treats either today - only pellets (and they haven't eaten many of those either).


Maybe they are getting more from the grass than I thought?

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