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Dirty chicken bum

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Well I picked up one of the girls at lunch time - think its the one nesting all night in the nest box - what a mess every morning and she had so much muck stuck on her feathers and bum I had to clip some off and wash her a lot - yuk - hopefully it will not happen again - put a bowl upsides down in the nestbox tonight as they dont lay till I open the door in the morning so hope she will not get in again and will roost like the others. Must admit I have not done this before and she was very good and not a word out of her at all when I brought her inside to the utility room - anyone else got this problem too?

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One of our black rocks always seems to have white on her bum and we are not sure why. Its seems strange that only one of them has it. We put footballs in our nestboxes because they used to roost on the edges which were only a few milimeters thick and they looked very uncomfortable so now they all roost on their bars which looks much better for them.



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my oldest hen Ella is prone to a dirty bum. We wash her bum every week and she loves it, we dry her with the hairdryer and she is as good as gold. Afterwards she must feel much better.


We have also bathed all our chickens. We have feathered footed chickens so their feet need doing quite often. All of them are good and they go all lovely and fluffy after a blow dry! :D

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my disabled hen, Bea, sits down most of the day because, well she's disabled :? and she has a habit of sitting in poop :roll: so every few days I have to give her undercarriage a bit of a clean. I tend to use moist toilet tissue to wipe her feathers (similar to wet ones but flushable) because it's easier than filling a bowl with water etc and they are biodegradable. Then a I blow dry her on a low setting.


you might find moist toilet tissue easier?

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