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Is she due to lay???!!!!

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I know you chicken experts will help me here. I have had Doris and Dora for almost eight weeks (bought at POL) and no eggs yet - not one! Doris has always been on the small side, but we were away on holiday last week and on returning noticed that she seemed to have grown. Then, this morning I noticed her comb was a really bright vivid red. THEN, at teatime hubby mentioned that Doris was squawking this morning. Well, she NEVER squarks, that's Dora's job! He also said she was doing a weird pacing thing in the run and going in and out of the Eglu, and that the straw in the nestbox had been 'scrabbled about in' (his words!). He has never read this forum, and knows nothing about chooks, but I'm sure I read somewhere that this was a sign of imminent eggs? THEN, as if I wasn't excited enough, my 5 year old son said, "mummy, every time I went near Doris today to pick her up she crouched on the floor and spread her wings out!". I nearly wet myself with excitement!!!


Please tell me she's about to lay - I'm ridiculously excited and can't wait for tomorrow to see if this eight weeks of freeloading will pay off!! (BTW, Dora still has a rather pathetic little rose comb which is pale pink, so I don't think there's going to be any news there!).



(green eglu)

GNR Doris, Welsummer

PP Dora, Wyandotte

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Sounds to me like laying is imminent!! :lol: That sounds exactly how our Pepperpot was. Once she started crouching she layed within about 4-5 days. She acted really strangely just before, kind of reminded me of how I was in labour i.e. she just kept pacing up and down the run as if she didn't know what to do with herself :D


Hope she lays the first one in the nesting box! I was getting paranoid that Noodle would lay anywhere but the nesting box but she was a star. She was laying in the afternoons at first - 2 days running but now seems to be laying even before we let them out of the eglu between 7.00-7.30 am and the egg is still warm. She has laid lovely eggs every day and they are starting to get a bit bigger now. It is such a thrill to find the first egg but still very eggsiting every day after so far!


I will keep my fingers crossed. :lol:

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