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How long before handling?

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3 days on and the girls have settled well, eating and drinking loads. When we collected them they had been pecked at and all had small bald patches on their backs. The feathers seem to be coming through but I think one has a red patch. I can't get close enough to see for definate at the moment.

Can you give me some advice on when is best to get hold of them to have a look?

I have tried luring them with treats but still very jumpy and the slightest movement and they are off

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Were the ex bats? seems starnge that they all have been pecked at!


Mine have been here 11 days and today was the first time they actually came towards the run door to see what i had, they are still a little jumpy though. I haven't got an eglu so i can't do this but i have seen mentioned getting them out a little after they have settled for the night so they are dozy, and check them over, also theres a spray you can put on the bare patches so they don't look red and discourages them from pecking at the area. I can't remember the name but i'm sure someone will be along to tell you soon.

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I find that I can pick our hens up at dusk, just after they have gone into the cube. I rest my hand on their back talking quietly to them. Then with both hands pick them up so that their wings cannot flap, bring the hen to my body, cardle them in one arm,with my hand on their breast then with the other hand support the top of ther legs and tummy. They seem to like it, and in the semi light are not so fearful.

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No they aren't ex batts. Not entirely sure what had happened. Was told that they had been picked on by a Rhodey.

Keeping an eye to make sure there is no bullying between themselves. They seem to have a pecking order but they seem fine together.

All snug on their roost in the sunshine or cuddled up in the laying box.

Thanks for the advice. Will see if I can't get a stroke this weekend

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I am desperate to get my hands on my chickens too but although they will now eat out of our hands they are still a bit jumpy. Have tryed to reach in the back of the cube once they are in for the night but I can't reach them as I'm too short :cry: - does anyone else have this problem, could take the grey bit off the back but worry they might escape then and don't fancy chasing them around the garden when it is getting dark. Desperate for a cuddle though :(

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Get a small stepladder?

I think i will just have to go for it and pick them up when the weather eventually improves that the only way they will get used to it i feel!

Haven't even had mine out yet as the weekends only option at the moment and it rained nearly all last weekend :cry:

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