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Sarah B

Please forward my email?

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Hello, as Easter is coming up I would very much appreciate it if you copied and pasted this email to send to your own contacts?


Thanks and Happy Easter!



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Hello UK,


This email is for the caring consumer, the people who want to make a difference in animal welfare and the really good cooks who know what a good organic fresh free range egg actually tastes like.


Do you fit one of these categories? If so, please just give a little bit of thought the next time you go to the supermarket and buy some eggs.


Only buy organic and/or free range eggs so we can put a stop to this awful practice of cramming hens in cages where they can’t stand properly, they can’t open their wings, they never see the light of day, never have a little treat, can’t peck and forage in grass nor ground, they pluck their own feathers out through stress, they have their own feathers plucked out by hens packed in next to them as they don’t know what to peck at and then they are forced to sit in their own excrement and urine all day every day.


All this suffering for cheap tasteless eggs that quite honestly taste bland and have been in transit and sat on supermarket shelves for ages from the day the egg was laid. What is the point?


Have you ever tasted a really fresh organic free range egg?


Please check these sites and links out and let’s REALLY all try and make a difference?


Easter is coming – please think about your where your fresh eggs actually come from!!!






If this has moved you to thought then please forward this email.


Thank you.



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