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Baby bunny in cold weather

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Hi everyone, this is a bit different for me as I usually am on the chicken forum.


We are buying a 10 week old miniature Lionhead and hoping to bring her home at the weekend.


Is it too cold to put her straight outside in this cold weather or will she be ok if we put lots of hay/straw in the hutch for insulation and a cover over to stop the wind getting in?


Thanks everyone.

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I don't usually venture into the rabbit arena either. :lol:


Here's what we used to do when we had rabbits.


Keep the hutch next to the house with its back against the wall.


Cover the hutch with an old blanket ( one year we used bubblewrap!) and a tarpaulin or shower curtain. Not too airtight though....some ventilation is needed.


Extra deep straw and extra food (just a little) if the weather is really cold.


Clean the damp area that has been used as a loo regularly so that the damp doesn't permeate and chill everything.


You could get a **Snugglesafe**

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It depends on what she's used to. If the breeder has kept her outside she will be OK. If she's been an indoor bunny though it'll be too cold for her and she'll need to live inside for a bit.


Just a suggestion...can I recommend you get her a bunny friend? They are very sociable creatures and shouldn't really live alone, especially if kept outside.

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Just a suggestion...can I recommend you get her a bunny friend? They are very sociable creatures and shouldn't really live alone, especially if kept outside.


:lol: Beat me to it victoriabunny - I was just about to say the same thing! Rabbits are very sociable and need company, not just for warmth.


A reputable breeder would have litter trained your bunny so that any mess or wet is easily contained in a litter tray. It's very easy to train them if he isn't already, and well worth the while from a cleaning out point of view.

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i brought my rabbit home yesterday she is only 8wks old and doing fine i bring her inside alot but it snowed where i live last night and she sleeps in her outside cage and was fine so from my experience she/he should be fine



good luck

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hi iagree with vistoriabunny

if she is used to being in then keep her in for a while, if out then she will be fine out. You can get little microwave hot pads for them, if that makes you feel better. i use them for my guests, only take 8 mins in the microwave. Snugglesafe pads think they are called. got mine from SPH supplies (remember to add the vat on though) or someone advertises them on rabbit rehome.


Yes defo litter train them, and if they are to remain outside def get them a friend, once they are neutered of course. Def get them vaccinated as well with VHD and Myxi. You prob already know this though.

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I'd also be very wary about leaving her just in a hutch outside - I've had rabbits and foxes get a hutch open before. If you have a shed, then it would be better to keep the hutch inside the shed. It would also be warmer.


And I agree that they are much better in pairs and also neutered.


My two are house bunnies, but will go into an 8x6 ft shed with 20 ft fox proof run during the warmer months. But they will have to share with 3 ex-batts! I'll just give them a litter tray and lock them in the shed at night.

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