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butter making poo runny...

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when i give my hens the kids left over bread i find it gives them runny poo i think it may be the butter any advise? :cry:


Chickens shouldn't really have dairy products, the fat content is too high for them, could be giving them runny poos. Also bread is not a good idea either as it can stick in their crops :( Maybe s"Ooops, word censored!"e the butter off and soak the bread in water before you feed it to them?



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No worries - we all make mistakes. Anyway, could be worse - some people who were buying bantams at Thorne's the other day had been feeding their hens on nothing but mixed corn, because they'd been told by a pet shop that it was a "complete food for chickens" :shock:


(Hope that wasn't anyone here!)


Plain bread is OK as an occasional treat - mine go mad for stale bread broken up and soaked in warm water :)

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