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Guest Poet

alternative dosing ball?

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just bought some ecover but realised we don't have a dosing ball :doh: can't put it in the drawer of the machine as it would just run straight into it, the drawer doesn't contain it if you know what I mean. Any suggestions?

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the drawer doesn't contain it if you know what I mean. Any suggestions?


Is it supposed to? I have an Ariston, and the drawer isn't a proper drawer, it just pulls open from one side like a door, the liquid or powder travels down a little curved slide into the machine. I always pour liquid in and have not had any problems.


If you are desperate for a dosing ball, check on the websites of main manufacturers of washing liquids (like Persil etc) as some of them will send a dosing ball out for free :D

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Oh dear, can you put the powder (measured out in the little scoop they give you) straight into the drum? :?


just off tohave a looky under my sink to see if I've got one- edit nope sorry but son has just found some cress seeds there!! :roll: (sorry totally off topic but hey- cress seeds!!)

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i thought someone might have a tip, like cut a tennis ball in half or something :lol:


i've asked for one on freecycle so fingers x'd.


just found the instruction book for the machine which says you can pour detergent into the drawer but they recommend a dosing ball so i'll try the drawer and see how it goes, all fun and games this weekend :lol:

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Oh, you wanted a 'Blue Peter' answer :lol::lol:


How about you get a small plastic bottle that might have contained

vitamins or something like that. Put the Ecover in it, leave the top

off and chuck it in with the washing, the washing liquid should gradually

be dispersed among the washing as the machine rocks and rolls. No

sticky back plastic used in this experiment :)



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someone has offered me one on freecycle, that was quick! :lol: picking it up t'row


Oh good, can stop thinking of weird alternatives to a dosing ball now :roll:

I have been very lucky today with Freecycle, I have scored 5 sacks of smokeless fuel and some large terracotta pots for the patio :) I think it's because of the holiday, lot's of people leave London thank goodness :wink:



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