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Visit to Caz's Cube

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We went and saw Caz's cube and her girls this morning (and her OH and youngest D) and were made very welcome. Thankfully the hail/sleet that we had during the night gave way to sunshine, and the bad weather returned much later in the day long after our visit. My OH has always been hesitant towards animals (and some he has run away from - like cows and horses :roll: ), but he actually fed the girls and stroked Henrietta and it was completely voluntary! I was amazed - thanks Caz, the girls were so tame with a stranger that he was really chuffed - told our daughter all about it! So another step in the right direction. :D

Caz also gave me lots of advice and one was that it might be better to start with a trio and if one hen goes to the Eglu in the sky, there would be 2 left as company and it would be easier to introduce 2 more, or add 2 more later anyway. Also I think that OH would be happier with that option (still want Brahma's) so we can see how the garden copes with 3 Orpingtons first (then I can have my black one).

Caz showed us how to move the Cube and I found it quite light and easy to do. I doubt very much I would be able to move a wooden one without help. We also had a demo of cleaning - nice n easy.

Bokashi bran smells nice, and I was a little overwhelmed with so many extra medicals etc, but I have written them all on my list.

It was really good to see the Cube first - it is bigger than we imagined, but at least we can plan the garden ready for one now.

Regards. Koojie

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Hi Mayflower

Thanks for the good wishes and I think there would even be room inside for me too! Then there will be four fat birds together in the garden! :lol:

I'm glad we were able to go yesterday - dreadful weather today, but now I keep thinking that today is Sunday! :?

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Hi Koojie,


Caz only lives 2 mins walking distance from me, if I'd have known you were doing a chicken visit you could have come around to mine at the same time. I don't have a cube or eglu but you still could have had a look at my banties.


Caz and family are lovely, I met her just before I got my lot and we have kept in touch ever since. In fact its her fault that I now have an allotment plot at the back of her garden! :wink:


Hope you really enjoy keeping chickens, good luck Tara

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Hello Tara

I hope your ears weren't burning too much yesterday - Caz did mention you a few times! :D The allotment is soooo handy for you. We don't have that facility here, but we found one about 4 miles away. It was a nice situation, but an abundance of rats meant that we only managed to harvest half the produce - who wants to eat a rat nibbled potato - yuk! We all complained and although the pest control man came - killed over 370 in one go, they were so established that the problem just carried on - apparently something to do with the railway and trains emptying their tanks in that section :vom: which attracted them in the first place. Then I put my back out struggling with thistles (suffered on and off for years before that) and we had to give it up. I decided that the garden here was getting neglected because all my spare time was spent at the allotment (still haven't caught up :oops: ), not to mention travelling. I am saving some weeds for the chickens and they in turn can make my veggie plot in the garden the envy of our neighbours!

Regards, Kooj

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I hope your ears weren't burning too much yesterday - Caz did mention you a few times!


Nope, didn't feel a thing, lol :D


I see on your profile you like wildlife watching. I love it too, in fact today I have managed to get a very friendly robin at the allotment to feed from my hand. Came home and told my OH but he don't think he believes me, so he's going to be in for a surprise tomorrow when I prove it to him :D


Sorry to hear about the rat problem at your allotment. Must have been horrible to have most of your hard work eaten by rats :cry:


When are you planning on getting your chooks?


Best wishes Tara

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We have been told July for the chickies - the earliest they can be sexed is apparently 12 weeks, so plenty of time to organise - unless the weather stays pretty much as it is, but I am sure this is going to be the last cold snap here.

At the moment I have been making do with my blackbird called Sausage who calls for me at the front door and his wife, Bossy Boots. Just lately we have a robin couple who are also competing for attention. If I'm late, well, they all tweet very loudly! And lots of baby spiders in the greenhouse that keep abseiling on my head - they keep dangling just in front of my eyes! I think it will only be a matter of days before our robins land on my hand - they are much braver than the blackbirds, and they have been around for 3 years now - I can tell because Sausage has a patch over his eye. So I hope you show your OH a thing or two tomorrow. :D

The wildlife centre has had 3 new babies this week, and I know it will upset a lot of people on this forum, I think you can guess - but they are so cute and their eyes have only just opened. :oops::oops::oops: But I love all animals. My main chores are to clean my section consisting of 5 hedgehogs and an assortment of pigeons and collared doves and a seagull. I still forget some bits, but I am getting better at it and I usually finish in time to get my daughter from school. OH asked me if I was silly enough to talk to the hedgehogs - of course I do - and a few choice ones when their prickles go through my gloves :shock: !

Take care,( my daughter is hankering after the computer now - I have just been accused of hogging it for the last few days)Kerry

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