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I've got my chooks !

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We went and collected them yesterday, a Blackrock, Light Sussex, Speckledey, Rhode Island Red, Bluebelle and a Warren. :D

We got home about 5pm, I put them straight into their coop - that was fun :roll: they wouldn't step out of the box and just piled up at the back when I tipped it, so I had to lift them out -lots of flapping and feathers everywhere !

The Bluebelle and Warren ventured out for a scratch around almost immediately, the others were more hesitant, by the time they were all out, it was time for bed ! :lol:

The Bluebelle put herself to bed nicely, the warren followed her up the ladder, then gave us our first laugh as she stood just outside the pop hole deciding whether to go in or not. A 'chicken jam' formed behind her, with 4 chooks all perched on the ladder waiting for her to move, in the end, the one at the back jumped over the 3 infront and barged passed the warren, knocking her off the ramp ! you could almost hear them saying ' for gawds sake, make your mind up and move your butt' ! :lol:

With the warren back on the ground, the RIR joined her and they both decided to roost on the back of my 'chicken watching chair', thanks to this forum, I was ready with my torch and had to go out in the dark and freezing wind to shine it in the coop and persuade them that was where they wanted to be ! it worked well for the warren, but I think the RIR is a little 'dim', she went pat the ladder 3 times before she realised where everyone had gone !

Got up at 6am this morning to let them out, the warren and bluebelle were first out again, the others are having a 'lie in'. We now have a chair permanently infront of the kitchen window so we can have regular chicken updates, don't think i'm going to get much cooking done :)

will get some photos sorted eventually.

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No , they haven't got names yet, if we don't get a wriggle on and think of some, they will be forever known as 'speckles,bluebelle and warren etc, which is ok for the first 2, but a bit tough on 'warren ' ! :lol:

to update, I've just been out to the coop to do my first 'poo pick' - they obviously slept in their nest boxes :roll: and I found an egg ! sure it's from the warren as she is the only one with a red comb, they had loads of warrens left at the farm - people probably don't choose the 'little brown ones' so i think they were a little older than the others .

The black rock, light sussex and rir are still in the coop - I took the food and water out of the coop last night, as they knocked it over in 2 minutes! so they obviously haven't had any breakfast yet.How long is it ok for them to stay in there ? should I put food and water back in ?

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If your weather is anything like ours, I don't blame them for staying inside! I would let them be so that they can settle in and get over the stress of the move - if they don't come out at all, take them some halved grapes or melon (for rehydration) around mid-afternoon and let them eat wherever they are.

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