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Hannah Hauxwell

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Is anyone else a Hannah Hauxwell fanatic?


I watched the two series when they were first shown on TV in the seventies.and bought the DVD of both Too Long a Winter and A Winter Too Many some time ago.


The next series was Innocent Abroad, broadcast in the eighties - and the DVD came out in February. I ordered a copy at half price but it never arrived, I emailed twice and had no response. In desperation last week, I cancelled my order and ordered from another company.


Today, both copies turned up in the post :roll:

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Loved her.


Thee was a programme on the other night on Yorkshire Telly about her as she is today.


She's in her 80's, quite frail....but looks younger now than she did at the height of her fame.


She lives in a cottage now. She's a bit of a hoarder.


Delightful and sharp as ever.

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A harsh life I suppose.


I must admit I gawped a bit the other night when we were shown the bed that she was sleeping in. Piles and piles of feed sacks for bedding......topped with what looked like a rabbit shin throw. It was grim TBH.


But what a gentle and lovely person......and no electricity or running water. :shock:



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Funny- I heard an interview with her on Radio 4 last week (pre-recorded) and found it fascinating (I am right in thinking that she is the lady who lived in a remote farm?).


She was talking about what it was like to suddenly have a tv crew on her front doorstep, and how she actually enjoyed the company. She said that on the basis of the films she was then recognised wherever she went (and it sounded like she travelled quite a bit afterwards) and that people were always lovely towards her.


She sounded like a gentle person, I was fairly young when her films were on tv, and would like to see them again.

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