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Gosport/Fareham anyone??

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Hi I wonder if anyone locally can tell me where they purchase chicken feed/ grit and hemcore or the aubiose - I have been looking out but cant seem to locate any suppliers nearby. I have a small supply ready for my new family but want to stock up (you know how it is!) Many Thanks


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Hi there, just moved from Gosport. Now live in Horndean and just got two girls. The best place we have found is near you anyway. Do you know where Titchfield Mill is (nice pub, good food!) Down that lane (mill lane) apart from a few nice garden centres is a Bird Avery centre. They sell Chuck food in there at a good price, worth a look around. Do you have a problem with foxes at all? We seem to always have them around when we lived in Gosport. Take Care hope this helps


Dee :D

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Hi there, just moved from Gosport. Now live in Horndean and just got two girls. The best place we have found is near you anyway. Do you know where Titchfield Mill is (nice pub, good food!) Down that lane (mill lane) apart from a few nice garden centres is a Bird Avery centre. They sell Chuck food in there at a good price, worth a look around. Do you have a problem with foxes at all? We seem to always have them around when we lived in Gosport. Take Care hope this helps


Dee :D


Hi Dee, I'm in Waterlooville just up the road!

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Hi Thanks very much for the replies. This forum is such a great idea hopefully one day I will be experienced and be able to advise newbies! I know all the places suggested but wouldnt have thought of them with regard to chicken supplies. Yes we do have foxes round here - my ladies are due to arrive on Sunday and since ordering them i have been reading of the tragic experiences of late and getting really concerned. I will have to ensure that free ranging is strictly kept to when we are in the garden and be as vigilant as possible. Nevertheless it seems foxes are just waiting for their chance with such tragic consequences. Lucky you in Horndean just by Keydales - my favourite place in the world!


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Hi Druid, I'm near Fareham and also have been to Botley Mills last Sunday - they were out of Hemcore but had Aubiose. They also stock grit, mixed corn and layers pellets. I will have to try the Aviary place in Titchfield as it will save me a drive to Botley. Good luck with the girls, we're still really excited after 8 weeks - best decision we ever made - they are Fab !

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I live in Fareham too!!!! I never thought about the place in Titchfield Lane, but know Botley Mills.

I don't have any chooks yet - we are waiting for some ex-batts (which is going to be a while)

Didn't realise there were so many of you locally - good to know if I have any worries... :D:D

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Hi Who would have thought there were so many of us locally - I wish I had been able to visit an Eglu before I bought mine and a purple one at that! Maybe we could have a Hen Party when the warmer evening arrives and talk chickens that would be great. We are collecting my girls tomorrow - top secret because my daughters and their babies think its Sunday Im so excited I think I will burst! Will post some pictures over the weekend - dont think I will sleep tonight.....


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Hi all I am in Gosport. Lucky you Druid can't wait to see your photos.

I am hoping to get my eglu and chickens by end of April. I have just started working full time and hope that will not prove too much of a problem with chicken keeping. Anyone have any useful tips on full time working and hens?


Also been reading about noisy chickens in the morning. Does anyone know if some breeds of chickens are more noisy than others? If so which are the quieter breeds. I only plan to have two chickens but quite like the larger cube eglu, would they be ok in this or better off cosier in one of the small eglus? I have booked myself and a couple of friends on to one of the eglu chicken talks at the end of April. Hopefully that will prove helpful. :D

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Hi Druids57 and others!

I'm at Farlington and have had my girls since December.

A friend of mine who has had chickens for ages gets her stuff from Kitnocks Farm which is not far from Botley Mill so that's where I go. They sell feed, bedding and other stuff for chickens. I'm sad enough to like roaming round the enormous barn! It's not far from Botley Mill either and I should imagine a little cheaper!









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Hi Henny Penny got our girls from LPH poultry it is in Emsworth - run by a young guy Leon who is calm and caring. Our chicken are honestly just like him, calm and quiet friendly and so funny and playful I would recommend the place like a shot - havent had any eggs yet though :roll:

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I live at Hilsea, in Portsmouth. I was hoping to have chickens and eglu in April, but had to cancel, may be moving, not sure if garden is large enough, neighbours are not too friendly.


Still hoping to have chickens in the near future. I went to LPH on Saturday, the chickens were lovely and Leon was very helpful. :)

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