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Introducing new chickens

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We've got two bantams, a Frizzle and a Millefleur. We got the Millefleur on Saturday and the Frizzle yesterday, they are getting on ok, but at the moment the Millefleur (Millie) seems to be dominating the coop and the Frizzle (Flump) has made herself a nest in the run and laid an egg in it this afternoon.


Any ideas how long it will take for them to make friends and both use the coop? They don't seem to be picking on each other too much, although it is early days! Tonight could be interesting though when we shut them away!

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Hi Wendy


If they are basically OK with one another, it will probably take no more than a week for them to become the best of friends :)


Also, if anything they will be better at night - when they are drowsy they are less aggressive, regardless of the physical proximity.


Good luck - sounds they are off to a good start!

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I agree with Eyren. A week should sort out any problems. My four bantams came in three separate 'lots' and after a bt of pecking order stuff, they are firm friends. They are now a little gang of four that run round the garden together pinching food from the big girls.

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