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Omlet netting and patio fixings?

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Hi, we got our 3 girls 3 1/2 weeks ago and I am now looking at how I can give them more space to roam (than just their fixed run) but keeping them off my vegetable beds. I have decided that the best way would be to use omlet netting (or similar) across the garden so that it effectively splits the top and bottom parts of the garden - the chickens being allowed the bottom half and my veggies safe at the top....


however... I have no grass - it is all paved - is there any way of securing the netting posts to the slabs? I want to be able to roll the netting back when not needed (and so we can get from one side to the other with ease)..


It is only a small garden so I can't give them a bigger fixed run... and I figured that this would be better than putting the fencing round each vegetable bed (which would make access difficult for me)...


any suggestions would be much appreciated!



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If the gaps between the slabs are say..half an inch wide...you will be able to push the pointed end of the poles into the earth quite successfully. I have done this on a bit of path.


I weighed a bit of the bottom of the netting down with a brick.


I hope that helps. :lol:

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sounds like a good plan - not sure how you would secure the posts though - Even if you put them in pots the gap underneath would be big enough for the chickens to shimmy under....Hmmmm... freestanding netting. DO you have any earthy gaps between your slabs?? What about using expanding trellis stuff you could fix it up between some pots and it works for me - I used it as a gate to my summer run last year and have it as a hurdle around my flower beds to put the girls off and it works 95% of the time for me. Cheap and it works - could be worth a try

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I read this post this mrning but did not really know what to advise - I thought that when you said your garden is all paved that it would be solid (concrete or whatever) between the pavers so I did not suggest what Egluntine has said.


Its hard to picture your layout but can you put the netting across where the veg plot ends?Or lift some slabs?

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sounds like a good plan - not sure how you would secure the posts though - Even if you put them in pots the gap underneath would be big enough for the chickens to shimmy under....Hmmmm... freestanding netting. DO you have any earthy gaps between your slabs?? What about using expanding trellis stuff you could fix it up between some pots and it works for me - I used it as a gate to my summer run last year and have it as a hurdle around my flower beds to put the girls off and it works 95% of the time for me. Cheap and it works - could be worth a try


ah... I hadn't thought of expanding trellis..... do your hens not jump/fly over it?


I was thinking about attaching a wooden post to the fence and stapling some of that green plastic netting to that and then having the other end to another wood post so I can "roll" it out to the other side when needed or have it "rolled" up against the fence post when not...... not sure if it will work but I guess I have to try to find out(!)


Tina - quite difficult to describe our garden! I'll try! As you come out of our back door, you step on to the patio which holds a greenhouse on one side and the chicken house/run on the other. There is then 2 steps the width of the garden taking you up on to the second patio - this has an 'L' shaped bed on one side and a rectangular bed on the other - both used for veggies (along with containers), you have to go across this patio to the garage and backgate. Slabs atm stay down as we have 2 dogs - we find it much easier to clean any 'mess' with slabs - we have young children so we wanted to be able to wash clean/disinfect slabs if required. Later on as the children grow up (and we may not have the dogs then as they are getting on in years) I can remove slabs etc for planting pockets (and could have posts in then... Was thinking it would be best to "shut off" the bottom patio for the hens so I can keep them off the veggie bed when in production!

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I think I am with you now!


Sounds like omlet netting is definitely a no then.


If you don't mind about the looks (as its going to be used temporarily while chooks are out) you could use some of that orange/yellow plastic stuff that you see on building sites (I thought about this as my neighbour is using some at the moment to keep next door's dog in while he replaces the wall that is their boundary), fixed across the bottom patio as you described?


We have raised beds in our borders which I have surrounded with chicken wire - not very pretty but it keeps them out!

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My chickens live on the patio at the end of my garden. When they go out of their run they are only allowed on the patio - not the grass (saved for g-pigs!). I bought some nylon netting the width of my garden and attached one side to the fence. I threaded a cane through the other side and pull it out to the opposite fence when required. The cane is held onto the opposite fence with hooks and I weigh down the netting with a few bricks. It works like a curtain and seems to do the trick.

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