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the suspense is killing me!

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hello fellow chicken keepers,


as i have said in the past im getting my hens...

and the suspense really is killing me! i just cant wait for my hens!


my mum said she would "think" about a suitable time for them to be delivered, but knowing my mum she will forget, so i hav to keep reminding

about how great having our very own hens :P


any tips on how to speed up the chook arrival time via lots of pestering? :D

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just keep talking about chickens non stop - thats what did it for me....hubby got so fed up he just wanted to shut me up! :D




be exceptionally nice to your mum :D , offer to do the hoovering or dusting for a week, that worked for me with my dad when I was at school and I begged him to go skiing!! :lol:


good luck and hopefully chickens should arrive soon!!

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Eat loads of eggs and complain loudly while you're doing it that they'd taster much better if they were from your own chickens . :)


LOL - I was going to say this.


You could also complain about how old a supermarket-bought egg is by the time it reaches your table - up to three weeks old, I read somewhere, I mean how stale is that? - and how many food-miles it has done (50? 100? I mean, a supermarket egg's "carbon footprint" doesn't bear thinking about). Whereas, if you had your own garden hens, you could instead be eating an egg that had been laid - ooh - perhaps an hour ago and had travelled - ooooh - all of 50 yards to the saucepan.

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