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They've started eating out of my hand :0)

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I've just managed to get Bumble, Violet and Poppy to eat mealworms out of my hands. They are sooo cool 8)


The other two weren't too sure and watched from a safe distance.


They enjoyed their treat so much that they chased me across the garden to get more and Poppy was so excited that she ended up gliding just off the ground so that she could get a ahead of the others.


They are now tapping on the patio door to get my attention. I guess they are over their inital shyness

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Hi ya,


Gave ours pasta the other night and they went mad for it, they were snatching it out of my hand. Must give them some again, was so funny. Mine like peas and sweetcorn too. Everytime I go out in the garden they make me feel guilty when they cluck at me, as though to say, "what treat have you got for us".

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We have just had one of my colleagues and her children visit us to meet the chickens and to find out some more about chicken keeping (a sort of hen party I suppose) and all three chickens sat on various laps with Bumble and Scurry eating out of the hand ( Snowy went all shy and just sat there)...........more chicken keepers in the making I think :D , they all went away happy and trying to work out how to convince the remaining sceptic!

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