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Shy Skylines

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My 2 new skylines just spend most of their time hiding under the eglu because they are scared of my big girls. They are coming out for food and water (I'm not worried about them wasting away) and a quick dash around, roadrunner style, but then into hiding again as soon as one of the big girls looks at them.


There's not been any real violence, just a bit of chasing and pecking, nothing to write home about (my chooks are good girls really :angel: ), but the new ones are terrified. Yesterday I put the big girls to bed early (5-ish) in the big house, so the newbies could have a run around with the bantams, who seem to have almost accepted them (they all sleep together in the eglu). I know it would probably help if the Skylines spent the night with the big girls but I worry too much about argy-bargy in the morning, before I let them out, to chuck them into bed together. The Skylines were originally isolated in the eglu run, inside the big run, but they looked REALLY bored. I took the run away, but I didn't imagine this would be the consequence. Integrating the bantams was a breeze compared to this (but then I deliberately chose some feisty bantams!)


So what I'm really asking is: has anyone experienced anything similar when intro-ing skylines? Should I put them back in the eglu run and watch them sit there looking bored? Should I persevere and wait for them to grow too big to get under the eglu? If I take the eglu off it's bricks (it's only one brick high!) they only run under the other house as it's on short legs. I'd like them to all live harmoniously at some point in the future - I don't want to segregate them forever - if i'd wanted that I'd have got quail - but I don't want my chooks to live under the eglu forever either, I want to see them!

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