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cleaning out and auboise

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ive had the mega clean out of coop and run today all fresh going in in a bit after i let the air round it all and sprayed with that animal disfectant, :D

now how long do others keep there aubiose down mine been down about 2-3 weeks does that sound right esp with all the weather we had my run roof is covered and part of the sites is covered, what do others do an the big clear out :roll:

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Hi Debbie


I did my run today too - but as I only have the two chooks I usually only do a big clean every six weeks or so. Today I raked out all the old aubiose, sprinkled some Stalosan on the damp patches and put down new aubiose - I always mix a couple of handfuls of corn in there too so they have a good time scratching round :lol:

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This might help your Aubiose last a bit longer Debbie.


About once a week, I use a garden rake and rake all my Aubiose up into the centre of the run. This helps me unearth dead and rotting bits of vegetation etc, which I pick out and dispose of. Then I sprinkle some Stalosan, and rake the old Aubiose back down.


Finally, I rake the bit where I had the Aubiose piled up, and Stalosan that (am I allowed to use Stalosan as a verb?).


I found this kept my Aubiose really fresh. I've had my three girls for 5 weeks now and the Aubiose is still in excellent condition.

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Finally, I rake the bit where I had the Aubiose piled up, and Stalosan that (am I allowed to use Stalosan as a verb?).


Yes as long as you don't add "-ized" to it like the US do! :lol::lol::lol:


I'm not going to be able to get that out of my head now. Hope it doesn't pop out of my mouth or fingers by mistake.

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