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Poultry in Aberdeenshire

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Hi :D . I buy my hatching eggs from Faith at Middlemuir Poultry




She's lovely to deal with - I have Wheaten Marans and Buff Sussex hatched from her stock - beautiful birds!


From the breeders directory in Practical Poultry Mag (under Aberdeenshire)


F Cocker ( :shock: ) 01224 791263 - Black Rock agent


Fir Tree Chooks 01888 551781 - various laying hens, Pekins, Brahmas


Maggie Harris 01771 653050 - Cochins, Brahmas, Pekins


Miranda MacDonald 01771 653282/07951888645 - Scots Dumpy, Barnvelders, Marans, Exchequer Leghorns.


Janice Smith 01651 842397 - Rhode Island Red and other breeds.

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Oops - just realised you mentioned Hybrids, but some of those people might be able to point you in the right direction. Black Rocks are excellent Hybrids, but personally from the list above I'd go for Marans and Rhode Island Reds - both excellent layers (and they'll live longer).

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Just a word of warning relevent to whoever you buy from; we recently bought our four girls from Poultrybyak, and whilst two are of the correct age and in great health, the other two were much younger and older than POL respectively, and the eldest had a bad case of scaly leg mite and lice. Make sure you check them over carefully before taking them away! This was our first buying experience, and being novices we didn't make the correct checks, and consequently our first two weeks with them have been more testing and difficult than we had hoped. Fortunately, this forum and others makes for quick learning, and all are now doing well, with our buff orp laying her first egg today! :D

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Just a word of warning relevent to whoever you buy from; we recently bought our four girls from Poultrybyak, and whilst two are of the correct age and in great health, the other two were much younger and older than POL respectively, and the eldest had a bad case of scaly leg mite. :D


:shock: Sounds like we had a similar experience there then, but I didn't want to say. My buff Orps are both much younger than he said, and they both have scaly leg mite. (Thought they just has crusty legs with them being feathered! :oops: ) Also, I had a few questions regarding them having frothy yellow poo, and he didn't seem bothered, but didn't suggest anything or tell me about caecal poos, so I had to spend a lot of time of this forum finding out. Turns out they probably had worms!!! :evil:


I am going to middlemuir poultry today with a friend, so I'll make sure I ask all the right questions so I'll know what to look for with my next chooks.

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:shock: Sounds like we had a similar experience there then, but I didn't want to say. My buff Orps are both much younger than he said, and they both have scaly leg mite. (Thought they just has crusty legs with them being feathered! :oops: ) Also, I had a few questions regarding them having frothy yellow poo, and he didn't seem bothered, but didn't suggest anything or tell me about caecal poos, so I had to spend a lot of time of this forum finding out. Turns out they probably had worms!!! :evil:


I am going to middlemuir poultry today with a friend, so I'll make sure I ask all the right questions so I'll know what to look for with my next chooks.


I hope it goes well at Middlemuir, Fee's Marans from Middlemuir are beautiful.


I hope you managed to treat the scaly leg ok. We found it easy to do and the difference in Helena was obvious in just a few days. It was just daunting having to treat mites and lice within the first week of having the chooks! :(

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I hope you managed to treat the scaly leg ok. We found it easy to do and the difference in Helena was obvious in just a few days. It was just daunting having to treat mites and lice within the first week of having the chooks! :([/quote


How did you treat the scaly leg? I have bought some surgical spirit from Boots and was planning to dab it on with cotton wool. Any better ideas? :?

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We used Bezyl Benzoate, which we got from our pharmacy. Rich read about it on another forum. We rubbed it on their legs and left it. That should have killed the mites. A few days later we put vaseline on their legs as well as the Benzyl Benzoate had worn off and the vaseline should suffocate any remaining mites if they were still alive. It was a bit messy as the chooks kept moving their legs, but it has worked. :)

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Thats good to know about your experiences with Poultrybyak, ive ordered my 6 POL girls from there due to be picked up midmay, they had all the breeds i wanted and i thought it would be easier if they all came from the same place, but yove got me doubting now. At least though i will know to check them although i dont know if i would recognise an older or younger chicken , but if i had doubts i guess i just wouldnt take them.(maybe)

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