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LJ's Chooks

What have I done!!!

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So our two GNR's were nice and settled. Pickle was definitely in charge... then we got 4 new ones and the world has gone mad! :cry:


Pickle has not got no neck feathers, but it's not one of the new ones it's our other existing chook :? I dont get it. The other 4 seem very timid... but one is a beast and is definitely asserting herself.


I do hope it doesn't go terribly wrong, they are all such pretty girls. I've let pickle and ginger out into their run and kept the other 4 in the cube and run... I'm not sure what else to do except close my eyes and hope for the best :shock:

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You could try some anti -peck spray or tea tree to make the girls feathers taste awful, or if you know who it is you could put an anti-peck ring or bumper bit on them so they can't get a good grip. I have done that today with one of my existing girls as she was pulling feathers - she wasn't best pleased to start with but has settled now. How long have you new and old girls been together?

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We had them separated for introduction, so our existing two were let into their free range area and the new ones put into the cube. I expected trouble, but not between our two existing chooks. Pickle (who was the top hen of our pair) now has no feathers on the back of her neck, but no blood drawn.


When I'm at home, I've separated the two groups, but that is not helping pickle, as Ginger is slowly plucking her and eating the feathers. Should I use tea tree on the feathers or would the peck spay make the feathers taste nasty too?



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Mix up some water and tea tree oil in a plant sprayer and spray both of them - it tastes disgusting, but also has the advantage of making them both smell the same, which confuses the hell out of them!


If you're around to see them doing the pecking, them fill another prayer with water and spray the 'naughty chook' in the face each time you catch her doing it.. they're pretty bright and catch on quickly. Just like training a dog (and children :roll::wink: )

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Hi claret,


How much do i dilute it for the spray and do i put it all over or just the bit that is being pecked


I might put a bit on all of them ... it might help my new ones too, cos i don't want to stop her doing it to pickle just for it to start on another one of my girls

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