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layers pellets v layers mash

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I have used both and found there was:


1. More wastage with mash as it is powdery and blows in the wind


2. The mash tends to get damp and clog together. Ok if you have a trough but can clog up a standard hanging feeder, whereas the pellets just drop through.

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I'd leave them on the pellets debbie, it is not worth changing them over.


Mine love the bokashi, so you could just put some in a pot and they will gobble it up...mine do.


I once accidentally spilled some and they hoovered it up before I could say drat!

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I'd leave them on the pellets debbie, it is not worth changing them over.


Mine love the bokashi, so you could just put some in a pot and they will gobble it up...mine do.


I once accidentally spilled some and they hoovered it up before I could say drat!



ill try that in a little hanging tub, do u give every day i am adding it every feed but think bit to much

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I've taken to putting bokashi bran in with crushed eggshells and mixed grit (a couple of handfuls of each) plus a little bit of poultry spice and diatom, and serving in an old-style Omlet "peanut" feeder. I suspect the girls will try to pick out the bran, but at least they'll be getting some other good things at the same time - and it will keep them occupied!

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I give mine their bokashi in their treat bowl mixed with a bit of corn or bits of breakfast cereal, toast (soaked in water) or fruit if my son has left any.


They eat every last s"Ooops, word censored!" and barely look up until the bowl is clean

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