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Smallest egg?

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I know we have a biggest egg leader board, but since I keep bantams there's zero chance of getting my name on there! :(


Anyway, I found a particularly small egg in the eglu today (possibly Gytha's first, but they were free-ranging so much yesterday, it was hard to keep track of who was laying where and when). I only have balance scales at the moment, but it's about 25g, give or take a gram or so. So, anyone had eggs smaller than that?

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Are you sure the sparrows haven't been coming into the run, Egluntine? :D


My littlest one the other day was definitely Gytha's first - Angelica and the two pekins were shut in the eglu run all day Tuesday, and and I found three eggs when I got home, including another little tiny one :)


It was just like the one in Egluntine's photo - funny how they are elongated.


Pepper on the other hand is laying whopping 55g monsters - I think she's trying to make me regret giving her away. Won't work, though - I've found a nice home for them in North Cambs, in a big garden with pigs and ducks and other hens :)

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Are you sure the sparrows haven't been coming into the run, Egluntine? :D


:shock: I never though of anything like that!! :lol:


Just dashed off to Google Images!


Phew...they look nothing like.


We do have a Robin who visits regularly, so I googled Robins eggs too.....I had no idea they were such a beautiful colour!

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Yes me! last week....and not from a Bantam either. It weighed 18g. There is a picture somewhere........






That is so cute I thought our tiny first egg was small would look like a whooper next to yours. Did it have a yolk?

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