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buying chickens

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Ok further to my other post, I emailed wawickshire rare breeds and asked about these ones (thanks to everyone for their feedback):









They have them all available apart form the columbine which is a shame as I'd love a blue layer. Do these ones seem like a good mix and also what egg colours can I expect I'm really looking for a variety.





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Hi ya,


We've got a columbine, she lays white eggs! When we got her the breeder said that it's a possibility she won't lay Blue or Green, only some of them do. But it doesn't matter, she lays great eggs and she's our most friendlist hen, follows hubby everywhere!! Lets you stroke her and pick her up, never been pecked yet!!


P.S. Sorry but don't know anything about the other breeds, but I do think it's nice to have a mix.

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I have a pied suffolk, Magpie. She is er...rather substantially built! She started laying eggs last week and they are beige with a pinky tint to them. She is quite a friendly, nosey hen, not very loud - I didn't hear her speak until she laid an egg, then she told everyone about it for a minute or two! She's lovely and my best looking hen.



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