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Good news and bad news....

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:lol: Shall we start with the good?

Queeny and Vivienne FINALLY seem to have made friends. You know when you get those moments of peace, and you're in almost shock at how quiet everything is?! Well, there's been not one complaint out of Vivienne today. They've been pecking about close together, Queeny constantly following Vivienne around, and they were even having some grub together without any pecking or naughty behaviour. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a little more pecking to come, but I think it's safe to say we're over the worst of it :lol: Touch wood!! :roll:

Oh, and Vivienne was back to laying in the nest today, and so her egg wasn't thrown to the ground by my foolish behaviour.... :oops::roll:

However, the bad news is that Vivienne seems to be walking funny. Her right foot, it just doesn't seem to lay flat on the ground. She doesn't seem overly bothered by it, and we've checked her for bumblefoot or any cuts and grazes and can't see a thing. Further more, she was grasping onto my fingers tightly with her feet; she can clearly move each toe on both feet really well. The only thing I can see that might be the problem is she has one really long nail - now, I've been told never to clip chickens toenails before? She scratches around all the time, has access to the chipping in the run, across the cement in the courtyard, and out and about in the garden. So you'd think that they would wear down naturally?

Anyway, sorry for rambling :oops: If anyone could offer advice, I'd be grateful. In the mean time, I'll keep a close eye on her :)

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