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School Hatchlings, anyone else got them?

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We have had our baby chicks for two weeks now they were hatched in my sons classroom. Just wondering if anyone else has done the same thing?


They are all healthy and happy so far. Changing every day.


We plan to get additional hens later on and have eglu cube coming on the 28th Cant wait. :P


All advice would be welcome.!

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How old are your chicks?

I have 2 'School Hatchlings' and I am almost sure that they are girls. They are 4 weeks old now and seem to grow daily! I keep them in the sitting room in a big guinea pig cage and feed them on chick crumb. I have now reduced the temperature in the cage and I only keep their lamp on when the heating goes off at night.

They have been out in the garden in the sun 3 times now, just to get them used to the outside world and introduce them to our 3 big girlies. the chicks took no notice of the bigger hens, but 2 of them paraded up and down the garden, crowing like cockerels and trying to peck the babies.

I will try and post some pictures soon.



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Hi , they are 4 weeks old, interesting what you say about your older hens. I was wondering when to introduce other hens. Ours are currently in a barn under a heat lamp at night. Been outside twice so far. Two big dogs we have are too interested at the mo! Definately keeping them separate for a while! :shock:

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