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Speckledy not laying!

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We've had our 3 girls 5 weeks this week and our speckledy has only laid twice! She seems to have stopped completely now, she's still young but has a very big red comb. She's eating, drinking doing all the other chicken things she's supposed to do bar this. We are worming them at the moment they got one more treatment to go. We notice that she's first to go in the nest box some mornings and stays in there around 10mins then comes out again. Then she just spends the rest of the time scratching and bathing in the run. But still no egg. The two eggs she laid previously were completely normal and not oversized or anything.


What you do think? we are puzzled. I know that speckledys don't lay as much as our other two per year. Perhaps it's not quite the season for her??



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My speckledy is the most unreliable of the lot. She is not the youngest , but they have all come into lay in the last month or two. I have had two double yokers, several softies and today she laid on the patio just before bedtime.

I think that she just needs to get into a routine. She's also about double the weight/size of the other three, I think that size can affect laying.

Mine also sits on the nest and then comes out having not laid.

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Oh thanks that's a comfort to know. Was wondering what's up. She's also the shy one but the boss which is quite funny. She's beginning to come over to us and follow us but we haven't managed to stroke her yet, she shys away. She's getting there though.

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My speckledy is a big busty chicken but lays smaller eggs than the gingernuts! She lays about five eggs a week though, at least she does now - she had a rest over the winter.


I would guess your chicken is perhaps still a bit young, and just getting sorted out - they can be a bit stop-start to begin with.

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