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How many chickens in an Eglu with two extensions?

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Omlet advertise the eglu as being suitable for 2-4 chickens.

We have an eglu with an extension. We have recently increased our flock from 3 to 4, but they have all been free ranging since we got the newcomer.

But if we need to lock them up, do you think we will need yet another extension? Steph. :?:

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do you mean you have got a converter and an extension if so then no you dont need another one. if you only have a converter then it is up to you really i had 4 hens with just the converter but all of mine were quite small and the had 2 hours freerange per day. but if they are in there all the time i would get another extension

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No, I mean a converter. Having just introduced a new chciken who is experiencing bullying from another chicken, I thought I'd free range them as much as possible to ease the tension for now. But when we are on holiday and need to leave them with someone else, I think they will need extra space. What with chicken netting to keep them off the patio, and extra feeders, roosting bars, etc, we have spent so much money with Omlet, I wish we had just gone for the cube in the first place! Would like to get a cube next year and a couple of extra chickens, but am finding the introductions part so stressful I'm having second thoughts now. Chicken keeping is so addictive. :?

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I have converters and extensions on my both my green Eglus.


It gives them ample room ( 4 in each)....although occasionally we have 5 in one and 3 in the other....:roll: .


It is quite difficult to move by one's self though.


It also looks a bit like a poly tunnel. :lol:

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Just pm'd you re my problem.


I have come to the conclusion that we should have the biggest run/house you can for your chickens with the correct amount of birds for the size. If a problem like we are experiencing happens get rid of the problem and continue.


I think introducing new birds is fraught with danger having read and spoken to the people I have.


Hope this helps.



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Yes, you seem to have three eglus. Is that to make introductions smoother? :)


I bought one with 4 hens, then relieved someone of their almost new Eglu and another 4 hens.


I then bought the Yellow Eglu for no better reason than it was yellow, very beautiful, and located in Sheffield! It is now Home to the 3 Ex-batts, who we call the Strictly girls...Ola Flavia and Lilia. :lol:


It took me a while to pluck up the courage to merge the 2 older flocks, but now they roam together, and jumble into either of the green Eglus at night, so I think I can say they are fully merged, although Atilla (well named) can still be evil at times. Only yesterday I had to distract her with my boot. Gently of course! :lol:


In a couple of weeks I am getting a cube, and when my walk in run is up, they will all live happily ever after in that. The Strictly girls will go in later, when they are fully rehabilitated.


I will keep the yellow Eglu because it is beautiful, and one of the green ones for intros/sin bin/ sick bay purposes and sell the other green one in a few weeks time. :lol:

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