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Why did Kay "dance"?

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Curiousity has got the better of me, what in hen language is the interpretation for Kay Gingernut standing with her feet apart, raising up her wings, slightly crouching down and wagging her head/neck from side to side?


One minute she was scratching around the garden, the next the "dance" and then back to scratching?


Other chooks totally ignored the "show"

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Sarah and Laura - good answers, never thought of those possibilities.


It WAS highly amusing - she isn't the brightest little thing in the world so goodness knows what it was all about.


All four of them do tend to take fright easily and rush at each other and cluck - but the dance really was something else......

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They are daft things! My "top hen" makes it plain she doesn't really like being picked up - when you put her down she wriggles and ruffles her feathers, like she's saying "eeww!" :lol:


I love it when they elegantly stretch a wing and a leg at the same time - makes them look like ballet dancers :)

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