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bluebell needs help

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hello all, this is my first time here and require some help and advice,


my sister has decided she wants to get some nice chickens, i'm sure after a few weeks it will become my job to look after them.


can anyone give me any advice on coops and runs (size requirements) she wants atleast 4 chickens, also general do's and dont's with owning chickens.


any help is appreciated.


many many thanks in advance.........bluebell

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Try having a browse through some of the other sections on here Bluebell. there's a 'FAQ' section which might answer a few of yor questions.


I'm sure once your sister has the hens she'll become so attached to them, she'll have them for keeps. They are adorable little things, that grow on you.


Good Luck :D

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Hello Bluebell :D .


I agree, you'll find out loads just by reading as much as you can on the forum :) .


Re the coop/run, I have an eglu with a run plus converter with 3 medium-sized (hybrid) chickens. They freerange for a couple of hours most days and seem quite happy with their run. I think 4 would be OK if you can let them freerange more than that - or you could get a converter plus extension. (Or if money's no object, go for a cube :wink: .)

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Welcome Bluebell :) I am sure when the chickens arrive you and your sister will be fighting over who does what for them! I am waiting some rescue girls and have found out so much I didn't know just from reading some of the things these lovely people here have written. Clare x

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You will find most people on here recommending the Eglu! :wink:


Chickens are very easy to look after - and they can be safely left for a weekend in their Eglu or Cube run, as long as they have plenty of food and water. They really don't take much time at all, five minutes a day if you are very busy and then half an hour or so at weekends although most people enjoy spending a lot more time than that with them.


The only 'don't' that I can think of is ... don't get a cockerel! Not unless your nearest neighbours are a long way away.


Lots of info and advice on here.

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Hi, the general rule seems to be that, if a hen house is advertised...say for four hens, and you want four, buy the next size up. The run should be as large as you can possibly make it, as hens love space.

The beauty of the cube and eglu is, that it is easier to clean out each day than a wooden house. The cube and eglu are fitted with slide in/out trays. So, in the morning, it takes between 10 and 20 minutes to slide out the trays, empty the contents and refill. Lots of people on here, including me use hempcore/aubiose. You then make sure that they have fresh water every day and enough food to last them throughout the day. Once a week the house will need cleaning thoroughly to keep it disease free and sweet smelling. So maybe an hour for this. On a regular basis you will need to check your hens to make sure they are healthy. This includes dusting them with mite powder and checking their botties to make sure they are clean. Every few weeks they will also need worming. I've been keeping hens for three weeks now and I find that getting into a good routine saves time, energy and most of all makes henkeeping very enjoyable. Although work is involved and I suppose sometimes dirty work(hens droppings) there is something very relaxing about taking care of them. Tasting your first egg from your own hens is a special moment. There is a good feeling about being self sufficient in eggs, and giving them away to family and friends. Every hen has her own personality, and there are so many beautiful breeds of hens to choose from. In all, it is a very interesting and absorbing hobby....certainly a talking point with friends!!!

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