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Lots of eggs!

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I have just been out to let our two girls out for a runabout. As they haven't laid any eggs for about 6 months, I had stopped checking regularly. I just looked and there were 5 eggs - last weekend I put in a rubber egg to see if that helped.


I am delighted :D and have phoned various people to let them know!




PS I ordered a cube and some new hens on Wednesday as I thought Mabel and Sylvia had given up!

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Would I do that?


No seriously, I didn't - I've just been out again and Sylvia has laid another egg! I managed to find Mabel in a garden three doors down - oops! Don't think anyone really noticed!


Anyway, my husband is all set to construct a walk in run for the cube and extra chickies so their wandering days will be over soon. Also, Eglu netting is due to arrive this morning - can't wait!



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