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Fur 'n' Feathers

Hens on the Horizon - Nearly There!!

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Last night we mowed the rather long lawn and set the eglu in its "starting position" ready for the "feed and weed" by the hens ARRIVING ON MONDAY :P:P:P


Going to pick them up just after 9am. :dance:


We're gradually clearing an area at the bottom of the garden to use for a permanent area later and can't believe the space that's appeared as we cut back the VERY overgrown hedging :oops:


We have tried out the tarpaulin we got from Wyevale and, folded in half it goes virtually over the whole run, so will give them a good bit of shelter if the weather turns bad again. We've also screwed the run to the ground with the omlet pegs which appear excellent (wish we had them when we used to camp :roll: ).


As Feathers works from home on Mondays it will be a huge difficulty remaining focussed for the rest of the day :wink:


We'll try to post photos as soon as possible after they arrive. Hope we can do this properly :think:

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It is amazing what a difference cutting down a few bushes makes!



I had this done just a couple of weeks aga........and am still astonished at how much light ther is now.


I spoke to the gardener this week ....a chap who maintains the grounds where i have my jobette and reminded him that I owed him some money......he said he'd rather have payment in eggs!!!! :shock::shock::lol::lol:


He and his lad were here for the better part of a morning so I feel I have got a bargain!


I am happy to give him money and eggs....but he said no!!!

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I spoke to the gardener this week ....a chap who maintains the grounds where i have my jobette and reminded him that I owed him some money......he said he'd rather have payment in eggs!!!!


It's amazing the bartering opportunities that open up isn't it.


A friend of ours has an allotment and has suggested organic veg in exchange for organic eggs :D

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