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Bedtime blues?

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My Eglu & 2 chooks were delivered by Omelet yesterday and they spent the entire day scratching around the run in the lawn/feeding etc.Come dusk though-they still hadnt made their way into the Eglu so i gently persuaded them in using a broom and shut the door.



Should i do this again tonight or leave them to their own devices if they havent gone inside? Will instict kick in and drive them to go to roost by themselves?


ps.I got up this morning at 6.00am to let them into the run and picked each one up beforehand for a cuddle.The Gingernut was fine and made a kinda "buk" noise when i held her against me & seemed to like being stroked.The Pepperpot though flapped her wings before i had chance to hold them against her body,but she too settled down after being stroked.She's the more 'skittish' one of the two,but she should settle down.

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A torch works wonders. I'm not sure how you would do it in an Eglu, but in the CUbe we opened the nest box and shone a torch in. Lydia (who didn't want to go to bed) could see the lght through the pop hole, and found her way in.


I found the tip on the Omlet literature that cme with the Cube.

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A torch works wonders. I'm not sure how you would do it in an Eglu, but in the CUbe we opened the nest box and shone a torch in. Lydia (who didn't want to go to bed) could see the lght through the pop hole, and found her way in.


I found the tip on the Omlet literature that cme with the Cube.


I tried the torch trick last night and it was promising cos they started moving towards the light,but then my dog came and sat beside me at the Eglu-then they moved back. :roll:


Going inside themselves tonight though was fab! :D

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