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chicken spice

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I just felt that because they have come out of the battery farm they needed a bit of a boost anyway thats why I was giving it and also Rose has exhausted her insides from all the laying in the battery farm so she needs a lot of vit and mins to boost her up again x

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I just felt that because they have come out of the battery farm they needed a bit of a boost anyway thats why I was giving it and also Rose has exhausted her insides from all the laying in the battery farm so she needs a lot of vit and mins to boost her up again x


Quite right! :lol:


I'm giving it to my ex-batts at the mo for the same reason. They certainly need a bit of a boost.


I always think that the powder smalls as if you could make a decent curry with it. :lol:

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Hi ya,


It says one teaspoon for 10 chooks. We got 3 so add a tiny pinch. We give ours once or twice a week in their porridge treat, scots oats and warm kettle water. We give that once or twice a week too. Or could put it in weetabix, that way you know they have eaten all of it. :)

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You could put a sprinkle on top of 'Pellet Porridge' too. Pellets mixed with warm water, sweetcorn and chopped-up-small courget. Christian taught me that recipe (hope I've got it right!!). That way they think they're getting a treat, but it's mostly nutritional pellets!!!



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