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Toffee & Fudge - our 2 new GPs

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We got our 2 guinea pigs today - they are 2 males (brothers) who are only 6 weeks old. They haven't ever been apart so we are hoping they will live happily together :) We have called them Toffee and Fudge - Fudge is on the left and Toffee on the right.



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They are really cute. How old are they?


When our female guinea pig had babies(2boys) we kept them and they got on fine with no problems. They should be fine if they have been together since they were born i thought problems could start if 2 males were introduced at a later date.

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They are so cute and tiny! This time last year I could pick up my g-pigs in one hand....now they weigh 950g each!!


As brothers they should get on fine - there may be a time when they get to 'adolescent' stage where they have to decide who is in charge and there may be small brotherly disputes, but once that passes, they should be best friends.

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aww, guinea pigs are sooooo cute aren't they :D


We got our boys at 6 weeks old (brothers) and ended up having to get them neutered as they began fighting. We also had to get two of everything so that peace reigned afterwards, so two drinkers, two food bowls, two separate rody igloos for beds etc! They still occasionally have a go at each other but they still best of friends really!

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