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egg shells with raised squiggles on them

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Can worms get embedded in the egg shell (sorry question mark key not working!). The reason I ask is because Bella, who seemed to have the worm problem, is laying shells with what can only be described as raised squiggles on them. I am going to worm them again in a weeks time (3 weeks after the first dose). Sorry to ask such a grim question


And if anyone can suggest why only some of my keys are working with the shift key I would be really grateful!!!!!

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I'm no 'eggspert' really but it could be a sign that they aren't getting enough calcium as my eggshells started getting funny shapes and stuff when I started getting some softies.. have you had any soft shells recently? if worms are a problem, they will be depriving the hen of all of her nutrients and inevitably this will have an effect on her egg laying.

what makes you think she has worms? what symptoms has she had?

If you're convinced thats the problem I'd worm them and give some limestone flour in their food to see if that helps. there will hopefully be some more experienced people along shortly!

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thanks all - we have definately had a worm issue (quite a few threads ago), which we dealt with. They have permanent access to grit and oystershell - a full glug of it, and use it regularly. I am going to worm again next week - 4 weeks after the first course, as it was bella who had worms :vom: . I have also changed back to Marriages feed from the local grain place one, as I think Marriages is a better feed - although am introducing gradually.


Fingers crossed it all sorts itself out :roll:


Apart from that they seem happy and healthy....

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Yes I've had a few like that too, seemed to get better when I put them on some limestone flour (mine are ex-batts and I assume the calcium in their bones is quite depleted) but I still get the odd 'squiggly' one from time to time. It could be that if they have worms they aren't absorbing all the nutrients from their food needed for good shell formation. I'd try a short course of limestone flour mixed in and see if that helps if the problem is persistent x

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