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Question about "Chicken safe plants"

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I've let my chooks have free range of my garden for a while now.

Thing is, pre-chickens, I was a very keen gardener and loved my garden.


I have now discovered that not only is every plant "chicken friendly" but every plant is NOT chicken proof. :shock:


I have now realised that i will have to change my priorities on the keen gardening bit. :?


I love my girls to bits and try to let them go where they want. I have managed to make some lovely plant barriers out of upturned empty hanging baskets which stop certain plants being trampled on. I'm also going to try & persuade hubby to make me a raised bed away from the freeranging area for my 1st attempt at veggie growing this year - fingers crossed. :)

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It is a sad fact of life that, for gardeners, you either have to fence off the plants or fence off the hens :?


Of course if you are out with them when they free range you can shoo them off certain plants if they start nibbling :D


I thought I was safe having a native British hedgerow in the hen run. The girls certainly appreciate resting under its shade in the summer. Today they showed me that they also appreciate having the new little hawthorne buds to jump up and peck at :evil: So much for all those sharp hawthorne thorns that scratch me to pieces when blackberrying :?

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