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Fencing for an extended hen run

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Hi, I want to let our 4 ladies start free ranging in the garden. Problem is that we live on a country road which is long and straight and cars come hurtling past at such speed.


There is a part of our lawn that can be fenced off so they can roam free(ish) whilst we're at home. My dad has donated some posts and chicken wire about 1m high and there is a wall on the other side. If the wings are clipped (I am plucking :roll: up the courage to do this) will they get over the fence?


There is also a gate on the whole garden before the road so this is just stage 1 protection!



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A lot of people on this forum use poultry netting to keep their chickens in one place and that is only just over a metre in height. It will depend on high flighty your girls are and how interesting their run is for them to want to stay there. My chickens are still young and not yet laying and if something scares them they do fly at least 4 feet in the air. I'm hoping they will settle down once they start laying otherwise I will clip their wings. It's easy to do and not painful - just like cutting our finger nails.

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