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Going away for the weekend...

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We've only had our chickens since mid February, and we're planning our first weekend away. The Omlet people told us the girls would be okay for a weekend in the run. But we always collect the eggs pretty much straight after they've laid; if not, just a couple of hours later when one of us is back from work/school. If away for a whole weekend, do we run the risk of our eggs getting damaged overnight :?:

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They are unlikely to be damaged. There is a small risk that one could get broken and eaten but if you put extra liner (whatever you use) in the nest then they should be fine. Afterall when a hen lays her eggs to hatch them they manage to sit there for weeks without getting broken.

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We have left ours too for a weekend. They were absolutely fine, and we came back to five eggs (after only having had one egg a day for the previous week or so). All eggs were perfect. If you are particularly concerned, could you ask a neighbour to collect the eggs for you - or a friend with children - we have since done this and it has proved very popular!

Enjoy your weekend.

Rachel F

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