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Not enough room at the Inn

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This morning for the first time I was up before the chooks, which was a big surprise since it's rubbish & recycling day the the rubbish men have been out banging and crashing since sparrows f@#t! :evil: Went out to the garden to let them out and there was dear George sitting on the nest laying her egg. Up til now she's been an every 3 day, then 2 day layer and generally laying in the afternoon. Mildred always lays her egg before we get up. She definitely lays closer to every 23 hours than 25.


Well, after doing the school run I went to get the eggs in and George's egg was in the nesting box but Mildred's was on the roosting bars and with a big crack in it. :( I'm thrilled we got two eggs so early in the day and without the usual drama from George but disappointed that one is broken. I guess if they both have to lay at the same time there's not much I can do . Has this happened to anyone else and how did you sort it out?

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congratulations on the 2 egg day! :D


Even though our cube permits 3 hens to lay at once my hens will insist in laying in private :roll: which results in big queue and lots of squabbling and noise! If misty my bottom chook is in laying my maran (2nd chook) will create such a fuss that she forces Misty out so she can go into lay!


My girls are pretty close to the 25 hour laying period and of course they all decide to have the same day off every week :roll: so if they lay in the afternoon on one day...they then have the following day off and then the next day lay in the morning!


Funny things arent they? :lol:

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Very funny things :D


The problem with George is that she takes a good 3-4 hours to lay her egg so I imagine that Mildred just couldn't hold hers in any longer. I'm wondering how I can help her speed things along. (she says donning her ob/gyn gloves and gown. push dear, push)

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Thats a good idea Egluntine, although they were both still locked in the eglu when the egg laying occured this morning. If I were to try that then I'd have to leave their door open at night and they would be up and about at dawn which is 6am here now (I'm not whining, honestly :liar:) and with the racoons very interested in them I'd rather not. I'll try and make another nest in the back corner of the eglu though to see if that makes a difference. Lets hope the little beggars don't kick it through the bars :?

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I've seen someone use one of those big plastic lidded storage boxes with a hole cut in the side in their walk-in run.


Nice and cosy for the hen and the bedding stays nice and dry. I guess a large lidded cat litter tray would do the same

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Unfortunately I only have the Eglu run. I've almost convinced OH to give up some of his precious (but "Ooops, word censored!"py looking) lawn for a walk-in run but it's a mammoth task :roll:


Only one egg this morning, so I'll have to wait and see whether making a nest on the bars will work tomorrow. One of the best home made nest's I've ever seen was half of the bottom cut out of a bucket, which was then laid on it's side and filled with straw. Recycling at it's best :D

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