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A bit of a shock

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:shock: Yesterday after being out all day (and also slightly drunk as i was with friends), i came back just before the girls bedtime and put them away as normal, not noticing anythinng unusual until i went to go back inside the house and noticed a bright red patch in the corner of the run....it was blood!! I then noticed another patch on the other side, some in the food bowl and even some on the CD i had hanging up.


I completely panicked and opened the nest box to find that Gwyns comb was bleeding, not badly, literally a drop out of the top of it, I picked her up and brought her inside and dabbed at it, making sure there was nothing else hurt on her and that she was okay in herself, which she was. It seems that she was pecking a hole in the corner of the run, right next to the hutch and she must have been rubbing her comb on some raw wood and she has basically repeatedly done it til its bled :(

This really concerned me that the girls are getting bored in their run so I succombed this morning and let them out to free range for the first time for half an hour....i'm hoping this will prevent her from doing it again because its breaking up the monotomy of their day...they seemed to enjoy it and my dog was just interested in sniffing their bottoms every time they got near which didn't bother them in the slightest!!


Can anyone suggest anything I can put in the run to distract them? I did have a hanging cabbage but they batted it down and its nearly gone now, but is there anything else that can go in there? I am going to need to amuse them for the whole day because i am back at work next week and cannot let them out to free range til i get home, i don't wanna go out and find more blood!!

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I've tried the smaller peck blocks used for budgies I get them from a local pet shop for a £ each, so far they last almost a week if they dont get wet, i have 4 girls and they all have a little go at it, they are made of seeds & honey and are rock hard

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I bought a wild bird feeder cage from puondland at the weekend. It is a small square cage on a chain, I think you are meant to put fat blocks in it, but I have been filling it with treats and the girls love it. I line it with lettuce leaves and then put sweetcorn or pasta inside and hang it up in the run. The girls peck at it for ages getting the sweetcorn to drop out and then nibble it up.

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