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Using Aubiose for the first time help please

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Hi everyone,


I have just purchased a bale of Aubiose ready to go in the run after cleaning out the old bark chippings. Before I lay it could anyone tell me what it is that you put on the dirt first. I remember reading on here about some sort of lime from B&Q being used to nutralise the soil but can't remember what it was. Also reading instructions on the Auboise it says it needs dampening down when layed. Does anyone else do this or does that really only apply to horses? Oh & one last thing ....how often do you completely change the Auboise? Thanks :)


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to be honest, if it's the first time they've been on this soil, I wouldn't worry too much about the garden lime, but you will find it useful after they've been on it a while.


I don't wet the aubiose. They will kick it out the sides of the run, and people have used various things as a 'kickboard' - log-roll, plastic washing-line covers, or plastic lawn-edging attached with cable ties.


Clean it out when it gets very dirty! I prob. do mine about every month ... or, let's be honest, it's more like six weeks :oops: depends how many chooks you have, how much free-ranging they are doing and how much they poo.

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